Zu dem Computerspiel, das die US Army vor einiger Zeit herausgegeben hat, auch um junge Leute zu rekrutieren, habe ich vom Job wegen ein bischen recherchiert, was die Theoretiker so dazu sagen.

Hier eine Übersicht von Presseartikeln zum Spiel von den Herstellern MOVES Institute

Bibliographie zu "America´s Army"

Armitage, John; Roberts, Joanne (Hg.): "Living with Cyberspace: Technology and Society in the 21st Century", London: Continuum, 2002. ISBN: 0-8264-6036-4. 203.
(ist auch ein Teil zu militärischen Videogames drin)

Barron, Michelle: "Militarism & Video Games: An Interview with Nina Huntmann", Media Education Foundation, Northampton 2003.

Engli, Maia: "Aesthetics Within Ego Shooter Games"

Foreman, Joel: "EXT-Generation: Educational Technology versus the Lecture", in: EDUCAUSEreview (Juli/Aug. 2003), S.12-22.

Frogg, B.J.: "How to Motivate & Persuade Users", CHI 2003 Tutorial, 6.4.2003, Stanford

Jenkins, Henry: "War Games - Computer game makers are trying to turn the campaigns against Osama and Saddam into boffo entertainment", in: Technology Review - An MIT Enterprise, 7.11.2003

King, David C.; Karabell, Zachary: "The Generatin of Trust - Public Confidence in the U.S. Military since Vietnam, Harvard 2002.

Lenoir, Timothy: "Fashioning the Military-Entertainment Complex", in: Correspondence - An International Review of Culture & Society, Winter 2002/2003, S.14-16.

Russ Shilling, Michael Zyda and E. Casey Wardynski, "Introducing Emotion into Military Simulation and Videogame Design: America's Army Operations and VIRTE," in the Proceedings of the GameOn Conference, London, 30 November 2002, pp. 151-154.

Westphal, Raymond (jr.): "War and Virtual War - The Challenges to Communities", Oxford 2003.

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'America´s Army'

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